The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Read online

Page 21

  October 27th, 1737.—“Notice is hereby given, that the post-office of Philadelphia is now kept at B. Franklin’s, in Market Street; and that Henry Pratt is appointed Riding Postmaster for all the stages between Philadelphia and Newport in Virginia, who sets out about the beginning of each month, and returns in twenty-four days; by whom gentlemen, merchants, and others may have their letters carefully conveyed, and business faithfully transacted, he having given good security for the same to the Honourable Colonel Spotswood, postmaster-general of all his Majesty’s dominions in America.”

  Six years afterwards some improvement had taken place in the transmission of the mail. In an advertisement dated April 14th, 1743, he says: “After this week the northern post will set out for New York on Thursdays at three o’clock in the forenoon till Christmas. The southern post sets out next Monday at eight o’clock for Annapolis, and continues going every fortnight during the summer season.” In winter the post between Philadelphia and New York went once a fortnight.

  The following characteristic advertisement is contained in the Pennsylvania Gazette for June 23d, 1737 :—“Taken out of a pew in the Church, some months since, a Common Prayer Book, bound in red, gilt, and lettered D. F. [Deborah Franklin] on each cover. The person who took it is desired to open it and read the eighth commandment, and afterwards return it into the same pew again; upon which no further notice will be taken.”

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  In the early part of his life, Mr. Whitefleld was preaching in an open field, when a drummer happened to be present, who was determined to interrupt his pious business, and rudely beat his drum in a violent manner, in order to drown the preacher’s voice. Mr. Whitefleld spoke very loud, but was not as powerful as the instrument. He therefore called out to the drummer in these words: “Friend, you and I serve the two greatest masters existing but in different callings; you beat up for volunteers for King George, I for the Lord Jesus. In God’s name, then, let us not interrupt each other; the world is wide enough for both; and we may get recruits in abundance.” This speech had such an effect on the drummer that he went away in great good humour, and left the preacher in full possession of the field.

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  The following notices, selected from Franklin’s newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, show that he was the first, publisher of Whitefleld’s writings: and they also contain some curious facts respecting the success of that eloquent preacher, immediately after his arrival in America :—

  November 15th. 1739.—“The Reverend Mr. Whitefleld, having given me copies of his Journals and Sermons, with Leave to print the same, I propose to publish them with all expedition, if I find sufficient encouragement. The Sermons will make two volumes, and the Journals two more; which will be delivered to subscribers at two shillings for each volume bound. Those, therefore, who are inclined to encourage this work, are desired speedily to send in their names to me, that I may take measures accordingly.”

  November 29th.—“On Friday last, Mr. Whitefleld arrived here with his friends from New York, where he preached eight times. He has preached twice every day to great crowds, except Tuesday, when he preached at Germantown, from a balcony, to about five thousand people in the street. And last night the crowd was so great to hear his farewell sermon, that the church could not contain one half, whereupon they withdrew to Society Hill, where he preached from a balcony to a multitude, computed at not less than ten thousand people. He left this city to-day.”

  December 5th.—“On Thursday last, the Reverend Mr. Whitefield left this city, and was accompanied to Chester by about one hundred and fifty horse, and preached there to about seven thousand people. On Friday he preached twice at Willing’s Town to about five thousand; on Saturday, at Newcastle, to about two thousand five hundred; and the same evening, at Christiana Bridge, to about three thousand; on Sunday, at White Clay Creek, he preached twice, resting about half an hour between the sermons, to about eight thousand, of whom three thousand it is computed came on horseback. It rained most of the time, and yet they stood in the open air.”

  May 15th, 1740.—“This evening the Reverend Mr. Whitefield went on board his sloop at Newcastle to sail for Georgia. On Sunday he preached twice at Philadelphia. The last was his farewell sermon, at which was a vast audience. On Monday he preached at Derby and Chester; on Tuesday, at Wilmington and White Clay Creek; on Wednesday, at Nottingham; on Thursday, at Frog’s Manor. The congregations were, at every place, much more numerous than when he was here last. We hear that he has collected in these parts, in goods and money, between four and five hundred pounds sterling for his Orphan House in Georgia.”

  May 22nd, 1740.—“Monday next will be delivered to the subscribers two volumes of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield’s works, viz. one of Sermons and one of Journals. The other volumes being nearly finished, will be ready in a short time. The whole number of names subscribed far exceeds the number of books printed. Those subscribers who have paid, or who bring the money in their hands, will have the preference.”

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  By the general terms of these partnerships, Franklin supplied a printing-press and a certain quantity of types at his own charge; and all other materials for carrying on the business were provided by the partner. The amount of necessary expenses for rent, paper, ink, and the like, was deducted from the gross receipts, and the remainder, including the debts, was divided into three parts, of which two belonged to the partner and one to Franklin. All accounts were settled quarterly. At the expiration of the time agreed upon, which was commonly six years, the partner was at liberty to return the press and types, or to purchase them at a fair valuation. A partnership of this description existed for many years between Franklin and James Parker, a respectable printer in New York.

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  It appears that the Proprietaries were not pleased with his scheme of associating for the defence of the province. They deemed it an illegal act, and an exercise of too much power to unite in this manner without the previous sanction of the government; and they feared it would prove a dangerous precedent, by encouraging the people to form combinations for making new claims to civil privileges, and new encroachments on the prerogatives of the Proprietaries.

  As cannon were afterwards sent from England, it is probable that the Proprietaries became reconciled to the Association, when they were more fully informed of its objects.

  “The new large cannon, that lately arrived from England, purchased by the managers of the lottery, being mounted on the great battery, on Monday last, the associators of this city met under arms and marched thither, where they were saluted with one-and-twenty guns, and named the battery THE ASSOCIATION.”—Pennsylvania Gazette, September 1st, 1748.

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  A free school was likewise attached to the academy, as appears by the following advertisement in Franklin’s Gazette, of September 19th, 1751 :— “Notice is hereby given, that on Monday, the 16th of this instant September, a free school will be opened, under the care and direction of the Trustees of the Academy, at the New Building, for the instruction of poor children gratis in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Those who are desirous of having their children admitted, may apply to any of the Trustees.’

  Again, October 26th, 1752: “The charity school, opened by the Trustees in the Academy, now teaches reading, writing, and arithmetic to a hundred poor children, most of whom, though from eight to thirteen years of age, had never been sent to any school before; nor did it seem likely many of them would ever have been sent to any school, if it had not been for this institution.”

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  The principal facts, respecting the origin and establishment of the Hospital, are contained in a quarto pamphlet, entitled “Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital from its first rise to the beginning of the Fifth Month, called May, 1764, Philadelphia: printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall.” The bill, alluded to in t
he text, makes a part of this pamphlet; and also two papers previously published in the Pennsylvania Gazette, showing the benefits of such an institution, and urging contributions to the fund from motives of benevolence and charity. The names of the original contributors are likewise printed in this pamphlet, and among them is that of Franklin. The preliminary arrangements were completed, and the first managers were elected, on the lst of July, 1751.

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